About Us


   I am Giselle Mosley
   I want to begin this conversation telling you a little about my passion for T-shirts. In 2006 I became obsessed with the messages written on T-shirts across the globe. I had done a lot of research attempting to find an idea which would fit my personality traits. I previously launch several T-shirt businesses, but I was lacking the love for the brands I had created. I wanted to create something unique, meaningful where I could speak up through words and designs. The Legacy Shirts Corp. was born with the passion I have from the life lessons passed from generation to generation and continue to spread greatness,decency and love. 

   As the founder of The Legacy Shirts, I promise to provide you with an excellent shopping experience with the upmost customer service in a personal level. 

   We have the perfect combination of products that are tailored to meet your needs through our shopping practice standard. Our commitment is to help you look good, feel comfortable and to best inspire your self-confidence. 

   We have been operating as a new brand and we have managed to build up a reputable online establishment. My goal is to turn The Legacy Shirts into a well-known brand recognized around the world.